Unterland vs Vittorio Veneto

Unterland 0 - 1 Vittorio Veneto
29 Apr 2018 - 15:00Cortina Municipal Stadium on the Wine Route (BZ)


“So many streets!”. The meeting point, on the field, between Wine Routes South Tyrolean routes and the Prosecco Treviso is a crossroads of flavors at crossroads, suspended between the bitter taste of a seasonal verdict complicated to overturn and the palliative sweetness of 3 points, unique elixir of long life, at least to continue to cross the blades with the sentences of arithmetic until the last second season available. After missed call in the derby drew with Pordenone at Barison, the Match of third last day of Serie B on the field dell'Unterland Ladies for the rossoblu it inevitably smells like the last call since “Call Center fight for salvation” now clogged by the Castelvecchio-Mozzecane duo. With the scaligere again a +4 and the Romagna even a +6 impossible do not listen to the news from other fields, but it is even more necessary to concentrate heart and brain in remaining faithful to one's mission: to win, in the good and bad luck. As long as (as mentioned) “math don't do us part”.

The 4-3-1-2 dressed by 4-3-3 is, for several games now, the favorite gala dress and sewn in the first person by the skilled tactical phalanxes of mister Fabio Toffolo. To vary are the preselected protagonists for the Start in the land of Bolzano, alternate more for physical ailments than for technical dissatisfaction. With Valentina Dal Pozzolo, Francesca Zanella and Monica Furlan the bench and Margherita Zanon not even convened, they are therefore reviewed from 1′ Karin Mantoani and Michela Tonon to give breath and liveliness from low exteriors and Vanessa Stefanello installed in the trio in the middle next to Laura Tommasella and Valentina Foltran. Front, to sing and carry the cross where necessary, can not miss Natasha Piai bomber like hyphen on the axis Adriana De Martin-Greta Bridge. At home Unterland, coach Massimo Trentini relies on the Gambian's technical-tactical freshness in the offensive phase Demba hours, arrived in January and fully adopted by the South Tyrolean team. All the wisdom and experience of the top scorer inspired her Sandra Hernandez and the advanced point guard Stefania Dellagiacoma, protagonists of the 4-2-3-1 of claw and full of physicality.

That the landlords don't have the slightest intention of playing the role of extras, in a championship final where another double high-altitude crossing awaits them against Pro San Bonifacio and Castelvecchio, it appears evident right from the start at the Cortina Municipal on the Wine Road. in the first 10′ the initiatives of the South Tyroleans frighten the rear guard piloted by Ciuki Reginato, first with a foray by Turrini from the left not exploited by Demba in the center of the area and then, mostly, with the crosspiece full centered by Dallagiacoma on big blow of counterbalance from 30 meters. The Permac then tries to shake itself, with the usual ubiquitous Natasha Piai protagonist of a couple of personal actions and the usual, spectacular overturn attempt from the edge of the area, less precise than the gem unjustly canceled in the match with Pordenone. The game of Tose, for the first 25‘ abundant of the fraction, he keeps himself rather lazy, with Unterland well placed on the pitch and often dangerous, without, however, admirable precision, in the red zone of the Linea Maginot rossoblu. Bomber Nata tries again to break the inertia in this phase, with another foray into the slalom in the rearguard ended by a powerful right blow but too much on the far defender Peer. The call to arms by the number 9 rossoblu towards the companions begins to have its first effects towards the half an hour, when Adri De Martin also warms up the gloves of the South Tyrolean extreme defender with a razor from the edge, valuable but not too precise, blocked in diving by the number 21. Le Tose raise the center of gravity e, go to yourself, increase the hazard coefficient in the latter first half tranche, failing twice by just the point of advantage on the axis Piai-Ponte: the rossoblu inspirer makes two fine left-handed crosspieces in sequence between the 43‘ and the third minute of recovery, not exploited however to the best by the vice top scorer in jersey 97, inaccurate in both cases on the far post at a short distance from the target. At rest the score is therefore still nailed in its classic starting shape “Spectacle”.

At the resumption of hostilities commanded by Mr. Faccini of Parma, the Tose definitively throw away the mask exhibiting the necessary bite to set the entire second half of Match with a completely different attitude. Al 4‘ the Permac equalized the wood count, with the crosspiece centered by Piai twisting in the center of the area on the excellent cross delivered by Mantoani at the right corner. Others 4 turns of hands after, the baptisms at the riser take the street of Vittorio Veneto with the turn of Bridge from the edge deflected with one hand by Peer on wood higher than your door. Beyond the open account – on a more than negative balance – with good luck, the girls of Mr. Toffolo feel the turning point is approaching, ma al quarter of an hour risk a lot by getting caught on the counterattack even 3 against 1: Demba, with only Tommasella guarding Reginato, is wasted in breaking the ball on the outside of the net instead of serving Pasqualini and Dallagiacoma completely free in the penalty area. The great fear does not subside – if anything it strengthens – the desire of the rossoblu to raise their voices and keep the seasonal hopes alive. Tommasella and Piai, with their proverbial ballistic abilities, they try to take turns on set balls forcing Peer to respond “this” on a couple of occasions. At the half an hour, in particular, on a velvety but central execution of the top scorer of the group, the South Tyrolean goalkeeper is able to save himself with a recall hand in a corner kick. On the next action from the flag here come, finally, the decisive episode to break the resistance of the landlords: is Vanessa Stefanello, with a stone of first intention from 20 meters on the Ponte drain, to fold Peer's hands, bagging the ball between crossbar and goalkeeper. First goal, pure life, Permac jersey for the number 26 ex Marcon. Like a drug, the goal of the rossoblu advantage chases away all the ghosts of the complicated Bolzano afternoon. Le Tose immediately try to close it with Piai – good Peer to smanacciato exit flying – and Bridge, without hitting the target. The final shouts from Unterland are more frantic than effective attempts, even if its to the last instant Settecasi tries to paint the joke on the faces of the victories by brushing a very insidious corner kick to return, upon which Reginato he saves himself with a thrust of applause.

Sweaty enough, but at the triple final whistle here is the fundamental success, expected and deserved. The Tose win in South Tyrol and for now they are also keeping arithmetic at bay, despite bittersweet news from other fields, between the success of Mozzecane sull'Imolese and the equal of Castelvecchio in Jesi. Salvation remains a +4, increasingly complicated goal a 180‘ from the end of the championship. Next Sunday the home run of the season at Barison ends against Vicenza. To win, to hope, fight, to greet: many verbs in the infinitive, all to be deciphered, all to experience. All present. To support this wonderful group until the end, whatever happens. Because the important thing is to be there, all time. You’ll never walk alone.

Paolo Pappagallo


UNTERLAND: Peer, Cainelli (48′ Pasqualini), Dallagiacoma, Demba (65′ Good), Ernandes, Ferraris, Marmentini, Mucus, Settecasi, Targa (84′ Micheletti), Turrini. (A disp: Cantori, Crocioni, Modest). All: Emanuele Iencinella

PERMAC: Reginato, Virgili, Piai, Foltran, De Martin (86′ Sovilla), Da Ros, Tommasella, Stefanello, Who would like to, Tone, Bridge. (A disp: Caon, Sogaro, Zanella, Dal Pozzolo, Furlan, Modolo). All: Fabio Toffolo

Referee: Andrea Faccini of Parma

Ammonite: Targa, Who would like to

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