Vittorio Veneto vs Bologna

Vittorio Veneto 5 - 1 Bologna
11 Feb 2018 - 14:30Stadium Paolo Barison


Press ‘Play’ to resume”. Seven days, non quelli carichi di presagi negativi come nelle celebri telefonate del film horror cultThe Ring”, to work with a firm intensity and stubbornness, both in the heart of the watermark tactic as emotional sync on a hand-hand group enriched by post-injury return of some very important components. The postponement of Sunday match 4 February against Imola, due to adverse weather conditions in the Emilian city, It has allowed coach Fabio Toffolo to operate even more strongly on the team in the approach to the next step: the Via Emilia on the Via Emilia. From un'Imola only touched in the 19th round to a Bologna to be welcomed with a knife between his teeth at the 20° Day of Group C of the Cadets Series. Nothing personal, and God forbid, against the young and tough training Rossoblu led by Mr. Daniela Tavalazzi, Round back from two consecutive victories against Brixen and Trento. But after the latest 3 seasoned outputs from only equal home against Clarentia, Tose for the commandment is only one: Ama i prossimi 3 punti come te stesso.

With the fall of Valentina Dal Pozzolo in central defense and Karin Mantoani outside Right defensive, the 4-2-3-1 made in Toffolo regains its original interpretation thick with more proven performers this season. Furlan Monica and Michael Tonon (ri)So start from the sidelines, with Captain Francesca Da Ros scaled to the left to allow the former captain of Padua to re-assemble the matched pair with Elena Virgili. Forward, in trio assistwomen and finalizzatrici behind Greta Bridge, It sees Margherita Zanon left next to Adriana De Martin and Natasha Piai. The Bologna, tested in 4-3-3 the protagonist of the last convincing successes, It is determined to gamble with Marcanti captain into the path of the center attended by Abouziane fast right and left wing Minelli.

The stakes burns, some like every Sunday, a maggior ragione in 90praticamente senza appello per le ragazze sotto l’egida della Mafalda. The beginning of the match was very physical, with Tose (in white jersey) immediate search of the ball game and the guests (in the classic full Rossoblu Bologna) to make the wall in midfield in an attempt to trigger fast restarts especially in Abouziane competence corridor. The first opportunity of the notebook has the feet of Bomber Natasha Piai, Dry the hat-trick against Castelnuovo but always alive in version SOS Assist: its left turn at 12′, back to the door in a secluded location just inside the area, It is ambitious and insidious and forces the keeper Emilia Netherlands to perform two steps backwards to avoid trouble at the intersection of the poles. Even Marge Zanon, on the opposite end, rooms with every passing minute of talking tone often Virgili and wedged with danger by the edge: to the 20′ it takes an output of Netherlands, accompanied by a clearance with the knee, to defuse a good starting point to the detriment of Casile; a few minutes later it is just finalizing just inaccurate to deny MZ11 the advantage of a hit halfway up the edge of the penalty. The “MOSEbolognese comincia a dare segni di cedimento poco prima della mezz’ora, yet Bassi, this time in the dip on the left, must smudge gloves to put in a corner of Ponte steering wheel deviation in the center area of ​​a cross by Mantoani from right. The Permac makes its creaks and took the opportunity to deal the first blow sound of contention Retail 32′: Piai sees the central cut on the edge of Valentina Foltran and serves it with a tachometer, the diagonal Ten home right slips into the bottom corner where the Netherlands can not get. 1-0 and third goal of the season, in day after of his 28th birthday, for the former midfielder Vicenza. The tide vittoriese become tsunami, 3 Piai minutes after nearly doubling, with a poisonous diagonal touches the pole to the right of Netherlands on valuable suggestion Tommasella. Two minutes by interval gong here is the decisive episode for 2-0 Permac, at the end of a confused action on which to Greta Ponte just to be found lurking on the goal line, after incorrect rejected Bassi of not compelling header from De Martin. To knit the Friulian class '97 97 It is the seasonal number stamp 13 scorer in. It's not over, because less than 60 seconds after Born Piai, prompted by a Carthusian launch of Da Ros, It comes up with the bow solo in the Emilian rigor, Netherlands sits up and settles in the equalizer of the sumptuous 3-0 to seal the set and (quasi) match. Broken monthly fast, also for Bomber Piaiguain It is the number Network 13 from the beginning of the championship.

After the interval, Tose is the compact recur and far from satiated despite the good margin on the farm. Zanon is a constant thorn in the side of Emilia rearguard, the duel between number 11 the Rossoblu guest rigaglia becomes monologue for MZ11, skilled to win a penalty to the 60′ intervention of late by his direct marker. From the spot, Piai displaces Netherlands, with the thrill of the inner part of the crosspiece, dropping the deserved poker on green cloth Barison. Al 72′ there is no glory for the good Zanon, cue from another great suggestion Piai in defense of Bologna once again too high and surprise: the goals of the flagship city, it is a photocopy of the first Piai, with Netherlands surpassed in speed and ball stuck on the net completely unguarded net for 5-0. The swirl of change, especially at home Permac, denotes the inevitable thought of Mr. Toffolo the midweek round of Bressanone: among other one sees, for the second time this season, promising Maya Caon door instead of Ciuki Reginato. The village runs fast and without too many jerks, with Tose in cruise control and Bologna looking dell'onor signature without much show of danger. A 7′ the end the opportunity for Emilia to make slightly less bitter afternoon in the City of Victory comes from diskette: on a raid of Arcamone from left, Mr. Fichera Milan sees a touch with the arm Tommasella, objectively difficult to detect by Long Distance. This is enough to establish the penalty Casile who turns slipping, but not displacing, Caon. The episode, in fact, It seals the meeting also in terms of statistics: a quintet that smacks of pride reply, Heart and quality.

Not even time to enjoy the effervescence of the moment that tomorrow, in an unusual midweek round on Wednesday Weekday, to Tose they prepare to face the uneasy trip to Bressanone in the field of Brixen in 21° Day Cadets Series. we do welter, the marathon is just shot, there is no time to look back only to run, kilometer after kilometer. Until the end, boundless.

Paolo Pappagallo

PERMAC Vittorio Veneto - BOLOGNA 5-1 [32′ Foltran, 43′ Ponte, 44′ Piai, 60′ Piai (strictness), 72′ Zanon, 83′ Casile (strictness)]

Vittorio Veneto: Reginato (67′ Caon), Who would like to, Virgili, Dal Pozzolo, Da Ros, Foltran (61′ Stefanello), Tommasella, De Martin (61′ Zanella), Bridge (72′ Furlan), Piai, Zanon (74′ Sogaro).
(A disp: Mella, Tone). All: Fabio Toffolo

Bologna: Netherlands, The fortress, Simone, Casile, rigaglia (75′ Bugamelli), Pacella (40′ Ternelli), Abouziane (62′ Zanetti), De Vecchis (46′ Gargan), Arcamone, Minelli (68′ Degli Esposti), mark. (A disp: Lauria). All: Daniela Tavalazz of

Referee: Richard Fichera Milan

Ammonites: Ternelli

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