Vittorio Veneto vs Brixen Obi

Vittorio Veneto 3 - 0 Brixen Obi
01 Nov 2017 - 14:30Stadium Paolo Barison


Sunday is always Sunday, but on Wednesday, sportily, has her why. On a day “by lions” traditionally dedicated to European intersections among the samples, Tose experience the taste of the unprecedented comeback in midweek for a championship duel, a 72 exact hours from external success in the field of Bologna. L’avversario tra le mura rossoblu del Barison nella 6a Day del Girone C della Serie Cadetta è il Brixen Obi, formazione altoatesina neopromossa capace di impattare con un discreto ritmo di marcia i propri primi chilometri nella serie superiore appena conquistata.

predictably, saw the feat in corso e con un occhio al big match casalingo di domenica contro il Castelvecchio, Mr. Dario De Biasi operates some variations from your chosen starting all'undici in Emilia Romagna. Some returns are physiological, like those of Captain Da Ros in central defense after the turn of rest and Margherita Zanon forward; others, più che cover, are real own unpublished, favored by some slight ailment of the tested pieces. A centrocampo infatti spicca l’esordio assoluto in roster iniziale della canterana Carlotta Modolo, at the start instead dell'acciaccata Tommasella, in the stands. Across Maraner coach can instead rely on all their actual, choosing to try to gamble on paper against the hosts with the heavy trident Stockner-Bielak-Reiner.

How to Bologna, entry into the dynamics of the match by the rossoblu girls is rather to slow trends, Brixen with that in the first quarter of an hour try to show their physical gifts and restart. Reginato is forced out with his feet to stop Bielak, to then collect a ciabattato right corner of the same number 10 After an interesting action by the guests. To shake some of torpor mention their companions then tries, shortly before 20′, Natasha Piai, that the usual stubbornness defends the ball on the edge of the area before exploding a conclusion that turns off dall'angolino not far to the left of Graus. Less than a round of hands later is still the 9 Rossoblu to climb into the chair, chiseling a cross from the left lower vertex of the penalty area on which Zanon is well placed in the center area. The impact with the ball MZ11, in truth, is anything but memorable, yet he is leaving a mocking trajectory that takes time against Graus, kissing the pole and is deposited in the network. A “gollonzo”, but that just serves to Tose and above all to unlock the match. The South Tyrolean guests feeling the pinch, now pulling back its center of gravity and allowing rossoblu definitely take the field. Piai, often referred to by Mr. De Biasi to help the midfield in the creation of ideas for the offensive tandem, tries on the half hour with a nice left turn but ends off. The first fraction flowing crystallized until the final pyrotechnic, which effectively seals any remaining doubts on the score. minute 43′: Mantoani still serves bomber Piai in the center area, the irreducible 9 tenta la girata in area piccola fornendo, con la complicità della retroguardia ospite, di fatto un assist a De Martin; l’Ingegnere manca la prima battuta a rete, ma al secondo tentativo infila Graus, trovando finalmente la prima rete stagionale. It's not over: al 1′ recovery, in mischia su calcio d’angolo, proprio la “Millennial” Carlotta Modolo conclude nello specchio della porta trovando l’estremo difensore altoatesino tutt’altro che impeccabile nello scongiurare la minaccia. 3-0 right on the gong and the first network of a Class 2000 with the shirt of the first team rossoblu.

Morally marked by deadly 1:00 to 2:00 one step away from hot tea, The Brixen entered the game in the second half with a body language not particularly fierce. It takes a lapse of Karin Mantoani, which in fact gives the ball in the area to a wasteful however Bielak, to create a thrill to rosanero shoulders of Julia Reginato. On the other side, Zanon a lot more “on fire” compared to the first half often seeks dialogue with Piai, generando scompiglio nell’area ospite e chiamando Graus ad un paio di neutralizzazioni palla a terra. Con l’ingresso di De Val prima e Furlan poi, e il suo consueguente avanzamento sugli esterni, verso la mezz’ora si fa vedere in avanti anche Karin Mantoani che, servita in profondità in area da Zanon, ha l’occasione per il poker ma inciampa sul pallone davanti alla porta altoatesina. Negli ultimissimi minuti il Brixen prova, con coraggio, to seek at least the point of the flag but twice Reginato says no to the usual Bielak, first on a non-simple low output with the body almost to the edge of, then on a not too powerful diagonal from about 20 meters. In the final they seek glory and also Coghetto Bridge, but for now you can go so well.

The Tose therefore exceed even the Brixen obstacle with a good 3-0 and prepare to squeeze any remaining energy to give even better Sunday, still Barison, in quello che è inevitabilmente un match ricco di grandissimi stimoli. In terra rossoblu si appresta a sbarcare il Castelvecchio, terzo lo scorso anno, protagonista di un pari in Veneto poi decisivo si fini della scorsa stagione, e soprattutto ora imbattuto e a punteggio pieno. Oltre il mercoledì da Leoni, ci vuole un’altra domenica da Leonesse, una domenica bestiale, una domenica tinta di rossoblu.

Paolo Pappagallo

PERMAC Vittorio Veneto – BRIXEN 3-0 [20′ Zanon, 43′ De Martin, 45+1 Modolo]

Vittorio Veneto: Reginato, Who would like to, Virgili, Da Ros, Tone (66′ Val), Zanella, Foltran, Modolo (66′ Dal Col), Piai (80′ Bridge), De Martin (73′ Furlan), Zanon (80′ Coghetto). (A disp: Rapacz, Dal Pozzolo). All: Dario De Biasi

Brixen: Graus, Markart (68′ Oberhuber), Strickner, Santin (60′ Sellemond) Messner, Ladstaetter, Kerschdorfer (83′ Niederjaufner), Kiem, Stockner (46′ Prugger), albino, Reiner (46′ Maloku). (A disp: Cost). All: Castellaneta Maraner

Referee: Sunday Massaria of Vibo Valentia