Vittorio Veneto vs Jesina

Vittorio Veneto 2 - 2 Jesina
03 Dec 2017 - 14:30Stadium Paolo Barison


“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”. If it's true, sentenziava as former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that “un mare tranquillo non ha mai forgiato un marinaio abile”, è attraverso i flutti di questo periodo tutt’altro che semplice che le Tosetra campo e realtàvanno temprandosi nel lungo, perilous journey into the cadet season 2017-2018. After k.o., the statistical and tactical, in the field of leaders Pro San Bonifacio, e una settimana da tagadà under the profile of the conduction technique, rossoblu girls try to shake, in the heart of the City of Victory, those ghosts created and fed by the comeback suffered from Pescara to Barison just two weeks ago. The opposing, nell’11° Group C Day, è però tutt’altro che uno sparring partner – ammesso e non concesso ve ne siano nel gironesul ring della rinascita rossoblu. The Jesina, fresh from a historical experience in Serie A, with a team largely new, formed by young and very young are planted in mid-table and winless for a month just because of a time wrong and rather ungenerous in terms of results.

For the coach rossoblu pro tempore Sergio Fattorel, the task of giving an initial shock to a team inevitably affected psychologically is anything but simple. When choosing 11 holders for crossing against the Marche, expert steward Permac opts for the block now tested in the first part of the season: l’unica variazione rispetto alla start list presentata dall’ex coach Dario De Biasi in San Bonifacio is the return to the owner of Adriana De Martin, ristabilitasi the ailments of late November, in place Jeanne Coghetto. On the other side, il coach delle “Leoncelle” Emanuele Iencinella può contare a sua volta sulle sue scelte ormai tradizionali in fase di compilazione della distinta, led on the pitch by captain Silvia Scarponi e dalla millennial Gold Maddalena Porcarelli, 17 and already 6 centri all’attivo sinora in stagione.

The approach of the two teams in the match highlights, one more time, the actual quality of the Marche formation relative to its current position in the ranking of the round. After the first conclusion in the door mirror, but with the left central, in the first few laps of completed hands, by the home striker Natasha Piai, are the guests on the accelerator of your own pace with the fearsome Porcarelli. In fifteen minutes the excellent solo effort of the number 6 Jesina in the heart of Fontana Permac put in a position to conclude on the right from the edge, the ball is off, however, a couple of meters above the crossbar Giulia Reginato. The Tose struggle to get in the spirit and the right leg in the match and, after a phase of beat and replies between the mutual guardians of midline, are Leoncelle to unlock per minute match 31′ con un gol piuttosto rocambolesco siglato da Zambonelli: the Marche tip, servita da Battistoni sul filo delloffside, shoots from the edge a ball bell tower whose trajectory apparently seems destined to fade over the crossbar Reginato. This is the assessment of the number 1 rossoblu, which instead is found to be observed with loss in the sphere relapse over his own goal line. Very strongly sought or randomly harvested it, of the network 0-1 certifies the Marche dominance of the first part of defiance. The guests continue to create pitfalls between the links of the rearguard rossoblu, in particolare con le caparbie azioni ad personam Piergallini and the usual Porcarelli. Only in the last few beats of the first half, temporally favorite by Tose to seek the path of the network, the landlord hark back to see forward with Zanon, served by a wonderful forward twist Bridge, who fails to arm the diagonal within the almost face to face with Cantori. At rest is therefore advantage Jesina.

At the beginning of recovery, unlocks the first ball-statistics is still with the Leoncella Porcarelli, the smanacciata Reginato on the first post denies the point doubling to guests. But Le Tose, certainly shakerate properly by the technical staff in the range, are no longer anemic distributed extras on the green of the first half Barison, but they are beginning to show their concrete mix made of tactical and ballistic qualities: all’8′ a combination of the whole class and substance Tommasella and De Martin sends Zanon in the middle of the penalty area from the right against Cantori, the Marches goalkeeper did well to resist leaving his body on the not faultless conclusion of MZ11. Football is far from an exact science, ma spessoc’azzeccail caro, vecchio motto “wrong goal, goal conceded”, e all11′ here's the Jesina striker doubling: wonderful team move made by the axis-Porcarelli Battistoni-Fontana and finished by poisonous diagonal with the left-handed class '99 Piergallini. 2-0 per le marchigiane e partita che sembra indirizzarsi verso l’ennesimo incubo di una fase da horror show in casa vittoriese. But Tose were born to fight and put your heart, Now more than ever. 4′ after, his corner Right drawn by Piai, De Martin It is the most deft and concrete of all to nock the ball at the near post, imparabilmente tucking it behind Cantori. L’1-2 half an hour from the end is not a small sign of life. The rossoblu charge headlong and begin to test the reflexes of the extreme defender guest from each tile can, con De Martingirata bloccata in distensione sul primo paloe Piaiconclusione da fuori respinta in due tempi. The amount is in the air and materializes in 9′ from the end, con una splendida verticalizzazione tutta di prima dellatriplice intesaVirgili-De Martin-Piai che diventa un assist succulento per MZ11, this grim time in inserting Cantori output. 2-2 deserved but that satisfied the Tose, Now all forward in an attempt to bring home the entire stake. After an attempt to limit the Piai yet defused by the goalkeeper, another golden opportunity to get close to the Zanon 90′, After the excellent work of Coghetto, but the attacker's diagonal Padua from an excellent position just touches the corner to the left of Cantori.

It ends in a draw, this time from the taste of victory, the New Deal rossoblu. A new course that now awaits its new technical hands, officially at work this week: mister Fabio Toffolo. A new beginning for even long season, with so many, too many challenges ahead to indulge in any other thought that does not lead to the objective of this year. in the meantime, for former coach Pordenone He vittoriese the debut on the bench next Sunday will be right on the ground of his former team. From “Paper Heart” al Libro Grinta, to continue writing first and then read the new story pages rossoblu.

Paolo Pappagallo

PERMAC Vittorio Veneto – JESINA 2-2 [31'Zambonelli, 56'Piergallini, 60'De Martin, 81′ Zanon]

Vittorio Veneto: Reginato, Who would like to, Dal Pozzolo (66′ Sogaro), Da Ros, Virgili, Zanella (80′ Coghetto), Tommasella, Zanon, Bridge (54′ Furlan), De Martin, Piai. (A disp: Caon, Mella, Modolo, Tone). All: Sergio Fattorel

Jesina: Cantori, Woodpecker, Battistoni, Becci (78′ Bellucci), Porcarelli, Scarponi, Sts, Piergallini (72′ Fabbretti), Fontana (67′ Fiorella), Zambonelli (82′ Verdini), Chicken. (A disp: Greaves, Oleucci, Guidobaldi). All: Emanuele Iencinella

Referee: himself. Alessandro Negrelli of Finale Emilia
Ammonite: Battistoni