Vittorio Veneto VS San Marino

Vittorio Veneto 1 - 2 San Marino
24 Sep 2017 - 15:00Stadium Paolo Barison


citofonare “Mafalda”. Visceral marriage between the Rossoblu companies and the City of Victory, marked in recent years by a climax of success and sporting achievements, is renewed, with all the momentum in a given year especially full of historical and cultural significance, in the parlor of the ball a few steps from the Winged Victory. The stadium Paolo Barison riaccoglie her hips Tose cadet in this season 2017/2018 and he does opening the doors for “Before” the girls coach Dario De Biasi front of his audience, the second day of Group C. Just like a year ago, albeit inverted fields, the players to confirm the good things expressed to the first waltz is the San Marino. The formation of Titan has passed the baptism of fire of the year freshman in the lower division and starts again from an excellent seventh place and confermatissima Fulvia Dulbecco, top scorer with its 22 goals and their bronze medal in top scorer.

Few doubt for coach De Biasi in outlining the 11 original designer of rossoblu: Tose selected for the kick-off are the same 7 days prior to Mozzecane, between certainty and persistent defections, with the recovery more numerical and practical purposes of Adriana De Martin on the bench. Natasha Piai is therefore again asked to push on to the left wing, where appropriate supporting the midline, Margherita Zanon and Greta Bridge to direct the attack. Among the guests, coach Baschetti waiver from 1′ a Dulbecco, hampered by some minor physical problems, opting for Gaia Mastrovincenzo, former Sassuolo, as the only terminal in the offensive phase.

Girls San Marino impact the match without awe in the face of several listed landlord, But despite not compelling approach the Tose pass, with great cynicism, the first chance: Piai in midfield with the left draws a throw to first kiss for Zanon, it just inside the left crosses imparabilmente area on the opposite corner with no way out to Giorgi. 1-0 to the 13′ and first seal in the league for the sniper MZ11. The network shakes from the initial torpor field protagonists and the audience in the stands, to the Permac 20′ You may already adding to the score after a good combination left-left between Tonon and Zanon that sends Mantoani small area in a virtually wide open door, but the friulana left flat incredibly sends to the side. The San Marino, less effective in the second half fraction, try reappearance forward with an idea of ​​slippery Mastrovincenzo rossoblu area, controlled without too many apprehensions from Reginato. The Tose close the first half with a ball forward and hold more convinced, Bridge goes twice a conclusion, first centrally by the edge of the area on the left with a dove then deflected by Nicolini, finding more careful and safe San Marino goalkeeper Giorgi.

The second half started with Zanella news for Zanon (touched hard at the end of first half) Permac at home and the return of Piai to tasks purely as offensive. But to leap to the eye is the body language the rossoblu, that approach in the worst way the second tranche of contention, despite the 4′ Ancona would like si divori, It slipped from inside the small of valuable suggestion from left Piai, the doubling of the ball. The coach Marino Baschetti decides it's time to unleash the most important weapon in blue: off Prenga, dentro Dulbecco all’11′. The entrance of the charismatic tip '83 class permanently changes the inertia of the match, the San Marino begins to believe in the face all'opaca evidence provided by the landlord and the first, big wake up call for the chimes to Tose 18‘, when Vagnini free-kick from the edge of the left grasps the intersection of the red and blue poles. They spend another 2’ Dulbecco and winning another interesting punishment, always from the edge of the penalty, this time just to the right: the left of Martina Vagnini this time sent the ball under the crossbar with Reginato that touches only. Draw deserved for guests and Permac that plunged forward with more enthusiasm than clarity, another time wasting huge opportunity, perhaps the bloodiest of the lot: Zanella hit the post header from close range on the left parable of Piai, Foltran behind him all alone from the spot sends to the stars. The afternoon of regrets for the Rossoblu is far from over, rather, a 2′ from 90′ comes the final insult: the neo-entry Bianchi regaining a ball on the right and serves Mastrovincenzo, in area, skillful with a left power to pierce Reginato. In recovery, Tose with all unbalanced forward, Mastrovincenzo could even realize the shotgun, but wasted kicking high from a good position.

It ends with a totally unexpected defeat the home debut in the championship for the girls coach De Biasi. Head down, concentration and clarity are the ingredients from which start to store the first incident path of the season. Sunday we go to Trento, home to catch Clarentia 0 points, groped for a new impetus to an even path all by dye rossoblu.

Paolo Pappagallo

PERMAC Vittorio Veneto – SAN MARINO ACADEMY 1-2 (14′ Zanon, 66′ Vagnini, 88′ Mastrovincenzo)
Vittorio Veneto: Reginato, Virgili, Tone, Da Ros, Dal Pozzolo, Tommasella, Foltran (75′ Coghetto), Who would like to, Piai, Bridge, Zanon (46′ Zanella). (A disp: Rapacz, Mella, Sogaro, De Martin, Modolo)
All: Dario De Biasi
San Marino: Giorgi, Paganelli, Nicolini (72′ Rossi), Montalti, Venturini, Micciarelli, Become, Vagnini, Fratti (85′ Bianchi), prenga (56′ Dulbecco), Mastrovincenzo. (A disp: do you drive, Cascapera, wells, Casali)
All: Fabio Baschetti

Referee: Delnotaro in VCO