Debutant: Mr. Mattia Vanni between thoughts, parole, results and enthusiasm
Enthusiasm first! On his first assignment as a technical front-line manager – after accumulating the right amount of experience and the necessary technical and tactical wisdom in a sort of “osmotic process” father Angelo, Youth coach Vittorio Veneto – coach Mattia Vanni You are disengaging with excellent results from every point of view of driving Debutant, le più piccole tra le tesserate della grande famiglia rossoblù del Permac Vittorio Veneto.
After a very good first round – rich progress and good football, and framed by victories in the league against Tarzo Revine Lago and Follinese – which was followed by the beautiful fourth place the prestigious Tournament “Stella Stellina” beginning of the year in Vicenza, Mafaldine the Rossoblu have recovered the proscenium in the second half of the season offering new performance mostly brilliant against the boys of the same age groups included in provincial round of the championship debutants Unique. A poche ore dalla nuova sfida di regular season away in Follina, We feel the impressions and comments of Mr. Vanni on the journey so far undertaken with their football shoots, as well as the incentives and objectives in place from now until the end of this intense, speciale e vibrante stagione calcistica.
The fourth commitment of the second round is coming: What has pleased you and what not in these first outings of the season after the winter break?
The first two games of the second half of the season have left me very satisfied, because girls have been shown to be enhanced both as players and as a group. they demonstrated, even in the absence of some key elements of the team, to be able to remain united and concentrated in fighting all together toward a goal. In the third game, il derby per antonomasia con il Salsa, the team had a defensive decline and the game, both from the result that under the technical point of view, He did not offer particularly memorable cues. On my part, I am sure that in the next commitments will be, and we will be, in grado di ritrovare ed intraprendere nuovamente la giusta via per crescere tutti insieme come squadra.
How has the team at your disposal from the beginning of the season up to this point of the season?
Since the beginning of year we had a larger number of players who have joined in a permanent position in our group. Of course, from a technical point of view the team has grown, all the girls are also learning visibly improved, simply, to set game action and implementing the fundamental technical base. In addition to football dynamics, è andato rodandosi il meccanismo “Group-team” on and off the field: the girls have learned to be united and to help, everytime, the companion, especially those most in need.
What do you think of your experience in these first months at Permac as coach of the smallest?
These first months as manager at Permac were positive mainly because the girls gave me a lot of satisfaction. Sono stato fortunato perché ho trovato in Paolo Simonaggio, il mister delle Allieve, una spalla da cui ricevere consigli e un allenatore con le mie stesse idee dal punto di vista tecnico-tattico ed educativo. Allenando delle giocatrici che, in molti casi, si destreggiano tra Allieve e Esordienti, con Paolo si è creato oltre al rapporto calcistico, anche un rapporto di amicizia, fiducia e stima reciproca.
Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi da qui a fine stagione, a livello sia personale che di squadra?
Il mio obiettivo personale sicuramente è quello di essere un buon leader per le mie ragazze e migliorare giorno per giorno nel trasmettere la mia passione per questo bellissimo sport. Citando mister Zdenek Zeman: “Io senza calcio non sto bene. Fosse per me arriverei a morire in tuta, a novant’anni, all’aria aperta, a insegnare pallone a qualche ragazzo che avesse ancora voglia di starmi a sentire.” Il mio obiettivo di squadra invece è far crescere le ragazze più piccole e mantenere l’unità di questa squadra, perché secondo me tutte hanno un gran potenziale e possono diventare il futuro di questa bellissima società, che fa del Settore Giovanile meritatamente uno dei propri fiori all’occhiello assoluti.