The very young surprise against Union Gaia

Yesterday first seasonal for very young girls of Permac Vittorio Veneto, friendly against Union Gaia team Gaiarine (TV) which plays in the championship series D female. Important and difficult opponent for a test-match, in view of the championship on Sunday, for the newly-formed team rossoblu.

In the first time the meeting technically was in the hands of girls led by coach rossoblu Buccolo, who were able to create a couple of chances quite important. In the second time, with the swirl of change on both sides, the game took another pace, offering a variety of opportunities from both sides of the equation.

The most dangerous actions in the complex has had the Vittorio Veneto, managing to earn the fifteenth of the first half a penalty, converted by captain Giulia Bortoluzzi. 3 minutes later it was Union Gaia who had the chance to equalize, by 11 meters, the shot, however, ends high over the crossbar. Performance in general of Vittorio Veneto positive, the girls were able to demonstrate an excellent dialogue on a technical level and conviction of their abilities, at all intimidated by an opponent clearly superior on paper.

UnionGaia 0-1 Permac Vittorio Veneto (very young)

Permac: Elena Maschietto, Carolina Piccini, Angelica Corsaro, Gabrielle Marino, Luna Da Ros, Carlotta Righetto, Giulia Bortoluzzi, Ilaria Brovedani, Francesca Gigliotti, Daphne Ceotto, Martina Tomio.
Available: Elena Saccillotto, Jade Dal Col, Purple Milanese, De Spirt Estella. All. Domenico Buccolo

Tomorrow begins the season against ufficialemnte Cordignano, at 10:15, in the field of Lourdes (Conegliano).

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